Keeping the faith, as we are collectively paralyzed in dark and turbulent times, is very difficult. We are in the third year of a pandemic, marked by vast losses of lives, economic crises, homelessness, and food insecurity. The senseless genocide
Interview with Dr. Alok Pandey: Bhakti Yoga and Integral Yoga
Raised in India for the first ten years of my life, I heard about yoga that spiritual masters do. In the US, I attended yoga classes in the pre- pandemic era for centering and grounding myself. I love the restorative
Good Leaders and Collective Wellbeing: Steps towards a Kinder and Loving world
I am very excited to inform readers about the coolest conference, that I attended virtually, on topics like good leaders, collective well being, narratives of love, and steps to a loving and kinder world. The conference is the 5th Spirit
Mother Theresa : The Saint Who Mothered the World with Light, Love and yet Experienced Darkness
This post is about Mother Theresa, Saint of Light, Love and Darkness. But I will begin by talking about my mother. I have been missing my mother, Anuradha Ganguly. Her nick name was “Benu”. My mother was not a saint,
Practices of Pouring Love on the Brain: Meditation, Mindfulness and Mysticism.
In our current world of the pandemic, are practices of pouring love on the brain good for us? What exactly is love? Very hard to define in a sentence as there are many kinds of love: love of family, animals,
The Radical Act of Self-Compassion in the Pandemic: Breath By Breath
As a psychotherapist, I have found that many people seem to have an easier time forgiving others or being compassionate to others rather than themselves. People can be their worst inner critics. In the pandemic, many people are facing suffering
Pets: “Fur Loves” Are Essential Workers Who Bring Love in the Pandemic.
During this pandemic, political turmoil, economic, and housing crises, beloved pets can be an oasis of comfort and joy. .The National Institute of Health (NIH)discusses the numerous mental and physical health benefits of having pets. Research suggests that having pets
Possible Pathways of Healing Emotional Wounds
Many people experience emotional wounds, pain and hurt by another person’s words or actions. I hope and pray 2021 is a year for people to explore pathways to heal emotional wounds. Research by Naomi Eisenberger from University of California, Los
Message of Peace Pilgrim, an American Saint, who lived through 1918 pandemic.
Peace Pilgrim, an American Saint and Mystic. Her message is of one inner peace, world peace, love and faith. I recently received the Friends of Peace Pilgrim Newsletter (number 66, Summer 2020) where they featured an article, “Peace Pilgrim’s Advice
Grounding Strategies When You are Struggling to Eat, Pray or Love
This year, 2020, has been a year characterized by experiences of groundlessness or crises for many people : a year of losses upon losses, hunger crises, job loss, political turmoil and COVID-19 surges upon surges that “test the mind, body