Serendipity Have you ever received money that you did not expect or got a call from a loved one that you were thinking about the day before?. Interestingly. Abraham Lincoln, one of my favorite historical figures, reportedly had precursory
Positive Vibes
Dear Readers: Hoping to send positive vibes through the blog posts during the pandemic. Thank you for the awesome feedback. Please note I am not endorsing any products in the comments section. Thank you again. Take care and have a
The Dance of The Vagus Nerve: Feeling Safe, Love, Compassion, versus Fear
Dr. Stephen Porges’s work in polyvagal theory led to a deeper understanding of the autonomic nervous system and particularly the vagus nerve. I refer to it as the “dance of the vagus nerve” with rhythms of feeling safe, love, compassion
Practices of Pouring Love on the Brain: Meditation, Mindfulness and Mysticism.
In our current world of the pandemic, are practices of pouring love on the brain good for us? What exactly is love? Very hard to define in a sentence as there are many kinds of love: love of family, animals,